lun, 01/23/2017 - 01:12

Presentation of the NGO «Agir En faveur  de l’Environnement».

 Public Use Decree by Ministerial Council:  Decret 072- 2007


The NGO Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) was created on August 08, 1999 by a group of executives from different wilayas in the country. Recognized in 2001 by receipt N ° 001 / MIPT / DALP / 2001, it was declared six years later of public utility by Decree N ° 0072/2007 of March 19, 2007 by decision of the Council of Ministers of February 28, 2007. Composed of 150 members (General Assembly), it is directed by an executive board of seven (7) members under the supervision and control of a board of directors. Founding member: Network Council of National NGOs in Support of Sustainable Economic and Social Environment (CONADES).

0NG AFE is a non-governmental organization, of public utility under apolitical Mauritanian law and not-for-profit, primarily engaged in training, the protection of human rights and especially women and children, environmental protection, the fight against poverty, the promotion of sustainable development, water and sanitation and support for local initiatives.

This organization was created in 1999 by Mauritanians who have long worked in other organizations at the national level. It is thanks to their experience and know-how that they support the grassroots populations in the fight against poverty.

Under the impulse of a group of executives anxious to take part in the process of development underway to give a reasoned pace to the movement of Mauritanian society towards an assumed modernity and a better being that is not fragile and at the expense of future generations.

This concern to set up a viable development will serve as a backdrop to all the interventions of this organization and will be reinforced by a firm will to act in the direction of dissemination and consecration of the healthy foundations of an equitable development of nature. to leave a healthy and productive living environment for the generations of tomorrow.

2. Special statutes

Status of public utility body, officially conferred on February 28, 2007 under the terms of decree n ° 0072/2007 of March 19, 2007
Observer status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations dated 27/09/2005
2.3. Accreditation

During the year 2018/2019 the action of the NGO AFE was marked by the following actions.  NGO AFE and Member National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (MNP)  The AFE is also successfully accredited by the United Nations in the field of the environment during the 4th preparatory session for the World Summit on the Environment , which took place in New York in June 2002.  This accreditation enabled AFE to have observer status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on 27/09/2005. It is also accredited to the World Summit of the Civil Information Society  Accreditation of the AFE to the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva of 2003 - Tunis 2005  Accreditation to the World Summit of the NGO AFE of the August 23, 2003  Observer Status of ECOSOC Consultant by the NGO DESA Section of the United Nations in New York at the February 2005 session  GEF NGO AFE accreditation March 16, 2007 with the Global Environment Facility GEF in Washington  Accreditation 354/2017 of 05 July 2017 of the NGO AFE by UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya  National Observer Accreditation -NA ° 237-2006 Election  Accreditation observer status the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) of October 07, 2019

2.4. Distinction

Recognition Medal of the Mauritanian Federation of Sport Disabled
Medal of recognition of the Mauritanian National Army
Expression of gratitude from the Municipality of Teyarett to Nouakchott
Goals :

The NGO AFE pursues the following objectives:

Provide a support service for training, animation and awareness-raising in the organization and management of organizations, the preservation of human rights and good governance, sustainable development environment to establish a spirit of gender equality for everyone. Perfect and flawless involvement of women, young people, disabled people from the beneficiary communities and the optimal development of their know-how with all stakeholders environmental protection on the effects of climate change in decision-making in all procedures consultation for the preservation of the ecosystem and natural resource to participate in the balance of the planet by the use of renewable energies and the fight against desertification.

Contribution to the regeneration of the natural heritage,
Participation in the rational management of environmental resources (fauna and flora),
Support for the fight against desertification, Awareness-raising on the concepts “knowledge to save”
Promotion of the regeneration of the natural environment Biodiversity climate change,
Consolidation of health in natural, terrestrial, oasis, coastal and marine environments,
Promotion of the use of renewable energies (solar)
Contribute to improving the living environment of populations in both rural and urban areas;
Reduce disparities in access to basic economic social health services in the various wilayas of the country;
Strengthen the emergence of sustainable development initiatives in local and indigenous communities
Contribute to the protection of human rights, citizen education and especially women, children and vulnerable populations, the prevention of extremism and the fight against violent extremism
Under the impetus of a group of executives anxious to take part in the process of sustainable development in the process of printing a reasoned pace in the movement of Mauritanian society towards an assumed modernity and a better being that is not fragile and at the expense of future generations.

Intervention and vision strategies:

All the interventions of the NGO AFE are based on the following basic principles:

Promotion of non-directive approaches and accountability at all levels of target groups in the identification of promising projects, in their organizations and in their management;
Perfect and flawless involvement of women and young people from beneficiary communities and the optimal development of their know-how;
Monitoring-evaluation of the implementation, monitoring of impact and execution by the beneficiaries and joint establishment of diagnostic reports;
Research and implementation of a synergy with institutional and non-institutional actors with the same centers of interest for greater efficiency of the actions undertaken.

Intervention areas:

The NGO AFE operates in all the wilayas of the country with priority given to the youth and women of vulnerable wilayas, especially in rural areas known for their extreme poverty and the fragility of its inhabitants and its resources.

Areas of intervention :

Preservation of the environment :

Contribution to the regeneration of the natural heritage,
Participation in the rational management of environmental resources (fauna and flora),
Support for the fight against desertification,
Promotion of the regeneration of the natural environment Biodiversity climate change,
Consolidation of health in natural, terrestrial, oasis, coastal and marine environments,
Promotion of the use of renewable energies (solar)
 Promotion of Sustainable Social Development:

Contribution to the sustained improvement of the living conditions of disadvantaged people,
Strengthening the potential for food self-sufficiency in the community,
Support for the fight against poverty by setting up income-generating projects,
Contribution to the efficiency of health action and environmental protection,
Support of the means of the education system on the preservation of the environment,
Expansion of means of access to health, education and drinking water through the use of renewable energies,
Support for young people, women and children and help for orphans (AGR),
Facilitation of dialogue and consultation with public actors,
Drilling equipment, constriction of water towers with solar installation


Extension, training and information in the field of environmental preservation,
Popularization, training and information in matters of citizen education,
Training in organization and management of cereal bank committees,
Training in organization and management of cooperatives,
Training in market gardening techniques,
Training in drying techniques and conservation of vegetables;
Environmental training (reforestation, fixing of dunes, nursery),
Functional and basic literacy training,
Management training and organization of AGR,
Sensitization ;
Animation ;
Training of veterinary assistants;
AUF Information Access Center (CAI)
French Embassy (Cooperation)
Spanish cooperation
ITC - Spanish
National Center for Water Research (CNRE)
UNDP P / C USA, Japan, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Austria
Spanish cooperation
German cooperation GIZ
French Association "Cap Solidarité"
Association Sup Europe Initiatives
Belgian NGO "Partners of the World".
French association "AMAL"
Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM) Akjoujt
French Association for Education in Mauritania (ASEM)
French association "Gratte-Soleil"
CAP Solidarité Française
Tullow Petroleum Mauritania Pty Ltd,
Tasiat Kinross
The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development,
Ministry of Health,
The Ministry of National Education,
The Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation,
The Ministry of Agriculture,
The Embassy of the United States of America
READ رائد,
The Embassy of Japan,
ACP - European Union,
The European Union,
The Italian international NGO INTERSOS,
The British International NGO ACORD,

Human ressources :

The NGO AFE has a competent and multidisciplinary workforce. The team that performs the daily work is made up of specialists: in management, organization, local development, environment / ecology, hydraulics technician, agronomist, trainers led by highly qualified administrative staff.

In addition to this staff, the organization has a network of consultants in its areas of intervention.

The NGO AFE designs and implements, in particular actions focused on sustainable development, social and technical innovation in rural areas.

Material resources;

An equipped room ensuring daily permanence in Nouakchott. These premises include well-equipped training rooms with various teaching and didactic supports that can be used as part of IEC and training campaigns.

Employs more than 07 employees and 18 volunteers under Mauritanian law, more than a third in the field, less than two thirds at its headquarters (short expertise, supervision and setting up of field projects, administration).

The NGO has several laptop and desktop computers, two digital devices, a SONY projector, a GARMIN GPS, a Toyota Hilux 4x4 double cabin car and two light cars.