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الصحة والتغذية - Santé et Nutrition - Heath and nutrition
المياه والطاقة المتجددة- Eau et Energie Renouvelable - Water and renewable energy
الزراعة: معدات وتدريب - Agriculture: Matériel et encadrement - Agriculture: equipment and training
التنوع البيولوجي وتغير المناخ ومكافحة التصحر - Biodiversité et changement climatique et lutte contre la désertification - Biodiversity and climate change and combating desertification
Plastic waste has become so ubiquitous that it has led to efforts to draft a global treaty brokered by the United Nations. National Geographic Society
Technical explanation to the academics represented NGO AFE - University of Nouakchott al aasriya DESAL+ project for the commissioning and operation of the LEGWEICHICH desalination unit at PK93 Seawater to obtain drinking water with a daily capacity of 80
Technical explanation to the academics represented NGO AFE - University of Nouakchott al aasriya DESAL+ project for the commissioning and operation of the LEGWEICHICH desalination unit at PK93 Seawater to obtain drinking water with a daily capacity of 80
Visit N’daleye Integrated Ecosystem Management Program for Sustainable Human Development in Mauritania
Meeting with Village Management Committee Integrated Ecosystem Management Program for Sustainable Human Development in Mauritania
Women's Cooperatives an Agricultural Field Market gardening
Seeding Pepignier Climate change Implementation of the Restoration project of forest landscapes submitted Natural Regeneration Assisted by the reduction of pressure
Displacement of plants Restoration of forest landscapes subjected to overexploitation through reforestation Mechanical fixation of dunes Management of biodiversity and environmental protection Fight against desertification
Project Implementation of Pepignier Climate change implementation of a project for the Restoration of forest landscapes subject to overexploitation through reforestation Mechanical fixation of dunes Management of biodiversity and environmental protection
Family Photo Integrated Ecosystem Management Program for Sustainable Human Development in Mauritania
site 3 experimental protection arid zone reforestation fight against desertification
Site 2 experimental arid zone reforestation fight against desertification
Site 1 experimental arid zone reforestation fight against desertification
sensitization on COVID 19 and the fight against desertification with schools students schooling children
Training workshop on climate change and COVID 19
Training workshop on climate change and COVID 19
Training workshop on climate change and COVID 19
NGO AFE Altier on COVID 19 Climate Change and Biodiversity Preservation
Awareness meeting on the fight against desertification villagers
Awareness meeting on COVID 19 and the fight against desertification with village women's cooperatives 1
Agricultural material distributions to the villagers
arrives authority Launch of agricultural reforestation and training project
Campaign organized by the non-governmental organization Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) Distribute water for the benefit of vulnerable populations; support the fight against poverty in the neighborhoods of Nouakchott
Campaign organized by the non-governmental organization Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) Distribute water for the benefit of vulnerable populations; support the fight against poverty in the neighborhoods of Nouakchott
Campaign organized by the non-governmental organization Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) Distribute water for the benefit of vulnerable populations; support the fight against poverty in the neighborhoods of Nouakchott
Campaign organized by the non-governmental organization Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) Distribute water for the benefit of vulnerable populations; support the fight against poverty in the neighborhoods of Nouakchott
Campaign organized by the non-governmental organization Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement (NGO AFE) Distribute water for the benefit of vulnerable populations; support the fight against poverty in the neighborhoods of Nouakchott
1-Fixation Mécanique Biodiversité et changement climatique et lutte contre la désertification - Biodiversity and climate change and combating desertification - 2 -
1-Fixation Mécanique Biodiversité et changement climatique et lutte contre la désertification - Biodiversity and climate change and combating desertification- 2-
Biodiversité et changement climatique et lutte contre la désertification - Biodiversity and climate change and combating desertification
Building health post Medicament Equipment
Forum on National NGO Participation at the 58th African Session on Human Rights in Bundul
AFE NGO seminar on water management in urban and rural areas
Expose ONG AFE meeting on climate in Brazil
NGO AFE meeting on climate in Brazil
NGO AFE workshop on the impact of climate change in Mauritania
GEF Members Consultation Workshop Accredited by GEF
Media Coverage Meeting on Climate in Brazil
Giving school supplies to Ecole 02
Distribution of school material to students
Biodiversity and climate change and combating desertification
Heath and nutrition
Water and renewable energy
Agriculture: equipment and training
Energies renouvelables
Restoration of degraded biodiversity biotope in arid zones
Accréditation 354/2017
Environnement et éducation citoyenne. En ligne
Formulaire de recherche
Total Visitors: 1919048
Plastic waste has become so ubiquitous that it has led to efforts to draft a global treaty brokered by the United Nations. National Geographic Society
Technical explanation to the academics represented NGO AFE - University of Nouakchott al aasriya DESAL+ project for the commissioning and operation of the LEGWEICHICH desalination unit at PK93 Seawater to obtain drinking water with a daily capacity of 80
Visit N’daleye Integrated Ecosystem Management Program for Sustainable Human Development in Mauritania
dim, 04/16/2023 - 10:25
Vidéo ONG AFE 2022 Presentation of the Family Food Project in Rural Areas NGO Agir en Faveur de l’En
Vidéo BOUMOUZOUNA Film Présentation Brève Activité ONG AFE en Mauritanie Englais
Vidéo Anglais Listes Témoignages Chef du village – Notables – Membres du Comités de gestion Sit
Anglais sur site de 100 hectares des jeunes nouveaux arbustes du site Village N’daleye
Restauration des Espèces et des Milieux Programme de gestion intégrée des écosystèmes pour un développement humain durable en Mauritanie. GCP/MAU/001/GFF. FAO) Production de 40 000 plants d'acacia sénégalais dans quelques pépinières villageoises